Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What More Can I Do?

School has started and I'm back to super busy mode. I've also began meeting with the youth pastor at my church to implement some of my ideas for the youth. I'm really excited and motivated to get the ball rolling. On top of that, I'm volunteering for the American Red Cross (ARC) just for the opportunity to give back. I figured since I'm not working, I might as well do something constructive with my life. So here I am, with my hands in a multitude of pots and I know I'll be blessed for allowing myself to be a blessing to others. Just to give you an idea of my schedule, I went to a meeting at church yesterday, I'm going to Bible Study tonight, and I'm going to the ARC on Friday to meet with them. Next week, we have the job fair on Tuesday and in the middle of all of that, I'm still going to the gym regularly, studying for my online courses & doing assignments, and applying for jobs. There's not enough hours in a day!

My mom gave me some much needed encouragement last night to never give up and keep expecting the Lord to step into my situation because I'm really doing all that I can and all that I know to do. I keep asking myself, what more can I do? But honestly, I don't know the answer to that. So I'm still expecting a blessing.

All in all, I'm really STILL enjoying life and enjoying the opportunity to be a help to others. I feel like everything I'm doing is in God's plan.

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