Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Life's Unfair

Most of the jobs posted on many of the job posting website (i.e.,, etc.) require experience I don't have. What do I do? I want to break into a new industry and I don't have experience! It's like a catch 22. You want to get experience but you can't get the jobs because you don't have experience. That's terrible! And the funny part about that is, you could probably do a better job than the people who have experience with the proper training. LOL! I guess that's corporate America for you! It's a little unfair but what can you say? Life's unfair!

I really want to start my own business. A nonprofit organization for youth. I can't even afford to do the necessary filing with what I'm currently working with. Glory be to God anyway! I know I'll be blessed. I'm just passionate about helping out other people who lack the necessary direction to succeed in life. And although I'm not really where I want to be, I understand my mistakes and I want to deter other young adults from walking into the same traps. Especially my young black brothers and sisters. There's not enough of us at prominent colleges and universities and that needs to change especially when we are afforded all the same opportunities available to every other high school senior in America. If I have to be the one to give them the push, so be it.

Other than that, I want to travel in the near future. I want to head to Europe! The only country I've set foot in other than the great U.S. is Mexico. Mexico was fun and beautiful but I feel like it's still too close. I want to go far away for at least a week. I've got my eyes set on Paris or London or somewhere like that. I'll even go to an Asian country like China or Japan. That sounds fun! One step at a time! Now moving on to networking and working on that Accounting or Finance job. Until next time...God bless!

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