Friday, February 19, 2010

All Over The Place Today

Good news! I called the automated service at the EDD office and I was told my check was mailed today! Yaaaay for me! Did anyone feel the earthquake today? The news on channel 11 reported that it was at a 3.6 magnitude. Not bad! I know, that was random. So yesterday, I applied to like 10 jobs with my freshly revised resume so hopefully I'll hear some feedback. I have great expectations.

On a more personal note, I have decided to live on a vegan regimen because meat and diary are way too fatty and eliminating that could lessen the probability of heart disease in the future. Monday will mark one week! And although I understand that it has not been that long, I am not having as hard a time as I thought I would. It seems easier than regular dieting because it's extremely clear, you cannot eat meat or dairy products. Whereas with dieting, you don't necessarily have to cut specific foods out of your diet but it's more so about portion control and monitoring your consumption. The whole monitoring thing is difficult for me! I understand you still have to eat healthy but that's not an issue because I'm finding myself eating a lot of vegetables and soy products (which surprisingly has more protein that beef). I've been doing more and more research about my dietary options and finding various vegan restaurants. I'm enjoying it so far and I don't really miss meat. I have some folks out there who doubt my ability to sustain the diet but I'm going to continue to pray for strength and I'm just going to let my willpower control my mind and stomach. Mind over matter right?

Back to the purpose of this job search. Today has not brought forth any changes. I am beginning to be more specific in my search because before, I would apply for almost anything I knew I wouldn't mind doing. But now, I'm going with an attitude that I'm not going to settle. So, I'm only applying for jobs that I want. I'm not being unrealistic...I'm only applying for entry-level positions because I understand I don't have any experience. You know what would be cool, if I were to get a government job working in finance. They have great salaries and excellent benefits. Those positions are so hard to come by but I serve a God who can do anything. So I'll pray and continue to stay steadfast. I'll continue to apply and thank God for it.

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