Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What More Can I Do?

School has started and I'm back to super busy mode. I've also began meeting with the youth pastor at my church to implement some of my ideas for the youth. I'm really excited and motivated to get the ball rolling. On top of that, I'm volunteering for the American Red Cross (ARC) just for the opportunity to give back. I figured since I'm not working, I might as well do something constructive with my life. So here I am, with my hands in a multitude of pots and I know I'll be blessed for allowing myself to be a blessing to others. Just to give you an idea of my schedule, I went to a meeting at church yesterday, I'm going to Bible Study tonight, and I'm going to the ARC on Friday to meet with them. Next week, we have the job fair on Tuesday and in the middle of all of that, I'm still going to the gym regularly, studying for my online courses & doing assignments, and applying for jobs. There's not enough hours in a day!

My mom gave me some much needed encouragement last night to never give up and keep expecting the Lord to step into my situation because I'm really doing all that I can and all that I know to do. I keep asking myself, what more can I do? But honestly, I don't know the answer to that. So I'm still expecting a blessing.

All in all, I'm really STILL enjoying life and enjoying the opportunity to be a help to others. I feel like everything I'm doing is in God's plan.

Friday, February 19, 2010

All Over The Place Today

Good news! I called the automated service at the EDD office and I was told my check was mailed today! Yaaaay for me! Did anyone feel the earthquake today? The news on channel 11 reported that it was at a 3.6 magnitude. Not bad! I know, that was random. So yesterday, I applied to like 10 jobs with my freshly revised resume so hopefully I'll hear some feedback. I have great expectations.

On a more personal note, I have decided to live on a vegan regimen because meat and diary are way too fatty and eliminating that could lessen the probability of heart disease in the future. Monday will mark one week! And although I understand that it has not been that long, I am not having as hard a time as I thought I would. It seems easier than regular dieting because it's extremely clear, you cannot eat meat or dairy products. Whereas with dieting, you don't necessarily have to cut specific foods out of your diet but it's more so about portion control and monitoring your consumption. The whole monitoring thing is difficult for me! I understand you still have to eat healthy but that's not an issue because I'm finding myself eating a lot of vegetables and soy products (which surprisingly has more protein that beef). I've been doing more and more research about my dietary options and finding various vegan restaurants. I'm enjoying it so far and I don't really miss meat. I have some folks out there who doubt my ability to sustain the diet but I'm going to continue to pray for strength and I'm just going to let my willpower control my mind and stomach. Mind over matter right?

Back to the purpose of this job search. Today has not brought forth any changes. I am beginning to be more specific in my search because before, I would apply for almost anything I knew I wouldn't mind doing. But now, I'm going with an attitude that I'm not going to settle. So, I'm only applying for jobs that I want. I'm not being unrealistic...I'm only applying for entry-level positions because I understand I don't have any experience. You know what would be cool, if I were to get a government job working in finance. They have great salaries and excellent benefits. Those positions are so hard to come by but I serve a God who can do anything. So I'll pray and continue to stay steadfast. I'll continue to apply and thank God for it.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

As The Search Continues

I'm sick of people accusing me of quitting my job because I wasn't strong enough to endure the pressure when that truly wasn't the case. I really put my best foot forward but I'm a person who deserves to have a job that I enjoy or at least don't mind doing. Over time I've simply grown to learn that sales just isn't for me! Simple as that! I have truly just taken the time to learn myself and who Racquel is. I think I got it! One thing I'm missing though is my unemployment check. I have no idea what's going on and good luck trying to get in touch with them! Thank God I have a mom that can help me out. Hopefully my tax refund gets transferred to my checking account soon!

On a more positive note, I've been getting some great advice from a fellow Trojan who's the Director of Finance at Yokohama Tire. He has taken out the time to review and critique my resume and even referred me to a list of recruiters in the OC. I'm forever grateful and I will take his advice and prayerfully, that'll get the job done. I pretty much scratched the old resume and started over. He told me to make it more geared specifically toward the Financial Analyst sector so that's what I did. I added an objective and I revised my bullet points. I also added a section highlighting my skills.

I found a job fair in Ontario on the 2nd of March that I'm definitely planning to attend. Sometimes it's good to have the opportunity to talk to recruiters face-to-face because it gives them a better sense of who you are opposed to reading a name on a piece of paper. You know what I mean? Keep me uplifted in your prayers as the search continues.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Life's Unfair

Most of the jobs posted on many of the job posting website (i.e.,, etc.) require experience I don't have. What do I do? I want to break into a new industry and I don't have experience! It's like a catch 22. You want to get experience but you can't get the jobs because you don't have experience. That's terrible! And the funny part about that is, you could probably do a better job than the people who have experience with the proper training. LOL! I guess that's corporate America for you! It's a little unfair but what can you say? Life's unfair!

I really want to start my own business. A nonprofit organization for youth. I can't even afford to do the necessary filing with what I'm currently working with. Glory be to God anyway! I know I'll be blessed. I'm just passionate about helping out other people who lack the necessary direction to succeed in life. And although I'm not really where I want to be, I understand my mistakes and I want to deter other young adults from walking into the same traps. Especially my young black brothers and sisters. There's not enough of us at prominent colleges and universities and that needs to change especially when we are afforded all the same opportunities available to every other high school senior in America. If I have to be the one to give them the push, so be it.

Other than that, I want to travel in the near future. I want to head to Europe! The only country I've set foot in other than the great U.S. is Mexico. Mexico was fun and beautiful but I feel like it's still too close. I want to go far away for at least a week. I've got my eyes set on Paris or London or somewhere like that. I'll even go to an Asian country like China or Japan. That sounds fun! One step at a time! Now moving on to networking and working on that Accounting or Finance job. Until next time...God bless!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

What's Taking So Long?

I get really frustrated in my current job search. I've been unemployed since July 2009 and I'm STILL on the lookout. I've never had this tough of a time finding employment and I'm beginning to wonder is it me. Seven months is a long time being unemployed. I really want to jump into another industry because every since I graduated from USC in 2007, I've had a job around some type of Sales. I'm tired of Sales and to be honest, it doesn't make me happy. Everyone is always talking about the income potential in sales but I've come to learn that money isn't everything. I've never had a job where I was completely happy.

My last job was as an Investment Executive at Trilogy Financial Services. To be honest, that was just a fancy title for the Entry-Level Financial Advisors. That was the second Financial Advisor position I had and they made A LOT of unfulfilled promises. They told me about how fun and easy it would be and made the job look like Candy Land and you know, I should have known better but I was really looking forward to having a career I enjoyed so, I fell for the "okie doke."

After the countless headaches and breakdowns from not being able to produce the level of sales required, I found myself becoming counterproductive. In the end, my manager let me go because I simply could not handle it. Now let me back up, we were required to solicit business from our family & friends and eventually do business on a referral basis but what my colleagues failed to realize is, my family and friends are not from privileged backgrounds and most can't afford or were unwilling to make the financial changes that I would present. But I made that clear even before we started and they promised they would help me overcome this dilemma. Maybe they didn't believe me or maybe they thought they could change the minds of my family and friends. They soon learned that what I confessed in the beginning was the complete and utter truth and I was penalized for not being able to perform. How awesome is that? It's not like they gave me the freedom to generate my own leads! They had one way of doing it and I was told to stick to it. So unfair!

So now, I'm on unemployment, my second round as a matter of fact, and I'm still searching. I've looked high and low and submitted my resume to countless companies but to no avail. And this whole process baffles me because I thought by going to college, I would have some advantage. I graduated from USC for crying out loud. It's one of the top universities! And I know my potential. I know I could be a great addition to someone's company! I am surely as good as it gets with numbers...I'm not saying I know everything but I learn very quickly. I've always been good with numbers! I went to Calculus Camp for crying out loud. Yes, Calculus Camp and I had a ball! I know one thing, I was one of few in my high school to get a 5 on the AP Calculus AB Exam so there! As a kid, I could teach myself from a math book with no problem and I'm sure I am still capable. I just want a job working in either the Accounting or Finance industry but something unrelated to sales. I've had too many bad experiences with sales and it will take a WHOLE LOT to get me to go back there!

Another thing I'm working on is getting my CPA certification. I was a business major at USC but I didn't take enough Accounting courses in order to be eligible to sit for the CPA exam. So I enrolled into a special program designed for people like me (with a college degree and want to take the CPA exam) at Santa Monica College. I'm going to school online so that when I do get a job, I won't have to worry about scheduling. All I need now, is the Accounting experience and I'll be good to go with the CPA exam. Pray for me!