Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Head Blogger Opportunity

So I applied for a position as Head Blogger for Alicia Keys’ new “I Am A Super Woman” website. SO EXCITED! I already claimed it and I'm going on a fast next week for it! If I could spend my days blogging, I'd be SO excited. Blogging is what I love to do. I'm a story teller! This would also be my opportunity to move to New York. A dream of mine. I've BEEN announcing how I want a change from Los Angeles and boy would this be a change. Excitement is streaming through my veins. I'm already telling the Lord thank you for this! They're supposed to announce first round interview picks by May 6th (or around that date) and I'm expecting a call. Not only that, I believe this is mine to the point that I'm giving up my job search in anticipation for this blessing. That's where my faith is right now. So, glory be to God!

Lord, don't make me look crazy!

Until next time...I'm gonna have to start on Stage 2...just wait and see.

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